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【大俠行天下日記/ 我見我聞我思我見 —如何面對之我們的困境/美南报业电视集团发行人李蔚华

美南電視傳媒定於週五下午三時 邀請社區領袖和國會議員格林在電視攝影棚舉行面對面之座谈會, 題目是《我們面臨的困境》。

近十年来, 大休斯敦拉丁裔 、亞裔人口增加了百分之九十五, 在休斯敦中國城及國際區多半是新來的移民社群建立的新型商業區 ,为大休斯敦地區之繁榮作出極大之貢獻。

自從疫情侵襲以來, 對我們社區之経濟及心理上都造成巨大之打擊, 許多商家也因而倒閉。

今天我們必須以同舟共濟之精神再次站起來, 我們利用目前聯邦及州市政府之管道 ,爭取到應有之幫助, 我們也要呼籲大家,一定要註冊投票參加選舉活動。

國會議員格林在我們選區服務已逾十五年之久 ,他非常關心社區之處境, 我們特別安排了這場面對面的座談會, 並且做現場直播, 希望大家踴躍參加。

疫情的隂影仍然籠罩著我們 ,通澎和物價不斷上漲, 社會底層仍在掙扎之中, 我們也看不到世界之和平 天災人禍 ,令人悲憤不己。

Community Town Hall Meeting

This coming Friday afternoon October 8th Congressman Al Green will come to our TV studio to participate in a town hall meeting.

We are facing so many economic and political issues in our community today. Because of the pandemic a lot of people have lost their businesses and they are really suffering.

If you need to know how to get help from the government and the fact that we are facing possible legislation in Texas to try and redraw the voting districts, are just a couple of the issues we will discuss.

We believe that a healthy democracy is based on free, fair and transparent elections and that our constitutional right to vote should always be protected.

The Democratic party is very worried that the population of minorities will be under-represented by these changes.

Houston is a very international city. We have many local minority media outlets including STV, Afrovibes TV and Vietnamese TV. All of us will organize as the Global Vibes Media Group to report our local news and entertainment programs.

We all need to be united. We all love this land that we call our home.

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