
【大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 /送愛到肯塔基/美南报业电视集团发行人 李蔚华】

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/16

上週末一股強大的颶風横掃了美國中西部六大州 近百人在瞬間失去生命, 許多小鎮被吹得慘不忍睹, 尤其是肯塔基州梅菲市一家焟燭工廠被夷為平地 ,死傷慘重 ,令人鼻酸悲慟。

犹記我們當年在德州波芒市上硏究所的學生歲月, 這個位於休斯敦數十哩的石油小鎮, 其面積和梅菲市相似, 當地民風純樸 ,曾經是美國發現石油之笫一個小鎮 ,當時學校都為我們外國学生安排有「寄住」家庭 ,我們雖然不住在那裡, 但是這對年輕的律師夫婦経常會在過節時邀請我們去做客, 對於離鄉背景的遊子也得到無比的慰藉。

午夜夢迥, 我們经常回憶到小城善良好客的居民, 也會聯想到上週被龍捲風蹂躝的梅菲市。

今天我們準備了些玩具、 食物 、飲料送到休斯敦四十五號公路旁的格羅里傢俱店, 搭乘他的大卡車直奔肯塔肯梅菲市 ,向災民畧表心意。

回想多年來 我們一路走来 ,從那個純樸小鎮居民們的關懷相助, 心中永存感激。


We Send Our Love To Mayfield, Kentucky

When the tornado outbreak across eight states hit, many were left with only the clothes on their backs. Overall, at least 88 people were killed in the violent storms in the Midwest and South. At least 50 tornado reports were made across eight states.

Kentucky First Lady Britainy Beshear announced a toy drive for children in the state and said, “They’ve lost everything including their homes and maybe even someone they love. With your help we can make this season a little easier for those who are hurting by donating a toy book or gift card to bring them some hope and joy during the holidays.”

Today we are joining her mission and have prepared some toys and gifts and brought them to the Gallery Furniture store to let them bring these toys to Kentucky.

My wife and I went to graduate school at Lamar University located in Beaumont, Texas. We had our host family that really gave us so much support and warmest love. The City of Beaumont, like the City of Mayfield, Kentucky, that now needs our love, gave us many good memories.

Today we are here to make this land our home. We wanted to contribute to our community however we could.

Our love and blessings go out to those people who are suffering because of this tragedy.

Categories: 大俠天下行