
【大俠行天下日記/ 我見我聞我思我見 — 新聞鬥士勒文辭世/ 美南报业电视集团发行人 李蔚华】

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/09

在我長期從事媒體工作中,得識許多中外媒體人,其中最令我敬佩的是猶太裔勒文伉儷,近二十年來,她們経常出現在我們舉辦的大小活動上, 他們的風趣歌唱常給大會帶來歡笑。

大約在十年前,這對從事媒體電台的夫婦走進我的辦公室, 希望做一次採訪 ,談到我們的過去現在和未來, 勒文夫人芭布拉是位寫作高手, 那次的訪問刊出後, 令我非常的感動。他們出版的《今日商業》月刊上出版之文章也得到許多迴響,我看了這本精美的月刊後,也決定為他們印刷, 從此他們不但成為我的顧客也成了好朋友,過去十年來 ,凡是她們主辦的餐會 座談, 我都盡量去捧場, 包括他們主持的電台,我也成為常客。

去年疫情發生以後, 我們除了偶而在電話中話家常之外, 大約有一年半的時間都未見面, 他出版的今日商業月刊也中斷了發行, 一直到上個月初, 我們共同發起成立德州少數族裔媒體聯盟, 成立当天他們夫妻都出席了, 勒文還在會上慷慨激昂大談我們少數媒體要如何團結自救, 參予社區和政治活動。

就在兩天前, 芭布拉有個短訊,說她和丈夫𠒇子全被確診新冠病毒, 但是情況並不嚴重, 我覺得有些不對勁, 立即去電詢問是否打過疫苗, 芭布拉回答 她們不相信打疫苗,而且堅持不去打, 我心中十分納悶 ,不知如何應對。

不幸的事總是發生了, 今晨得知勒文走了, 而且是那麼快, 我心中陣陣隱痛,病毒還是奪走了這位媒體鬥士。

勒文是猶太裔的美國人, 在他近半世紀的新聞工作中, 寫下過精彩的一生, 我在給芭布拉的短訊中說:

芭布拉, 我們知道和你相近相愛超過半世紀的勒文走了, 你要堅強起來 ,他的人生已經十分精彩, 此生已無憾了。

Rest In Peace Steve Levine

In my long media career history I have made many friends, but Barbara and Steve Levine are a very special couple to me.

I remember almost ten years ago when Steve and Barbara came to my office and did an interview with me about my business. She used the title, ‘Wea H. Lee: Southern News Group – From Rags To Riches Through Hard Work And Innovation.’ Barbara was such a good writer to describe our past, current and future plans to their readers.

Their magazine called, ‘Small Business Today,’ later became our customer. Since then, we printed the magazine for them and also became very good friends. The couple came to our parties and functions all the time.

Because of the pandemic, I didn’t see them for almost eighteen months until one day a few weeks ago I called Steve about organizing the Texas Minority Alliance. He totally agreed and came to join us at the first meeting in early July.

Just a couple days ago I received a text from Barbara saying that both Steve and his son Jerry had contracted COVID. I called her immediately and asked her if everything was OK? Barbara then told me that neither Steve or his son got vaccinated.

Just this morning I learned that Steve had passed away due to COVID. I am so sad to learn how this could have happened so fast?

Steve, our very dear friend, all of us feel we have lost such a wonderful man. Your life has been so very colorful, vibrant and always with your happy smile.

We all wish you Rest In Peace.

Categories: 大俠天下行