
【大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 /奧密克戎正在橫掃全球/美南报业电视集团发行人 李蔚华】

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 1229

許多研究報告顯示,全球各地大部分接種的新冠疫苗幾乎無法抵抗傳染性極強的奧密克戎變異株的感染 ,只有輝瑞和莫德納的疫苗在接種加強針後能夠避免成為重症, 但是全球許多地區目前还沒有得到這些疫苗 ,全球仍有數十億人未接種的情況下 ,各地感染激增之势必導致更多病毒變異株出現, 再度造成全球重大之危機。

中國生產的國藥和科興疫苗幾乎超過全球疫苗之一半以上, 它在許多低收入國家被廣泛使用。

雖然這波病毒株雖然未造成太多的重症和死亡, 如果全球暴發感染, 是一場戰爭的開始。

拜登政府即將就任屆滿一年, 新政府仍然面對疫情之挑戰 ,內政外交也無法達成預期成效, 加上共和黨在國會參眾議院之大力杯葛, 實在是天災加上人禍。

不論我們面臨任何挑戰, 大家仍然要努力面對, 我們更要發揮守望相助之精神 ,在你身邊的隣居友人和社會弱勢族群 ,我們應盡所能, 為社會貢獻一份力量。

最近看到上星期緬甸的軍政府在東部村落殺害了三十名村民,並將整個村莊燒成灰燼 ,這些悲劇仍然在世界各地上演, 這些受苦受難的貧民, 連性命都不保 ,還談什麼疫苗呢 、缅甸是我童年成長的土地, 一片物產豐富之佛教樂土, 遭此厄運 ,我每當午夜夢迴, 真是慶幸逃出惡魔政權,世界各國也愛莫能助, 只有觀望而已。

Omicron Is Sweeping The World

Many researchers’ reports now show that most Covid-19 vaccines around the world are mostly resistant to the infection of highly infectious Omicron variants. Only Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can provide protection and avoid becoming serious after their booster shot, but many parts of the world do not have these vaccines at present time. This will lead to a global crisis. China now produces more than one-half of the world’s vaccines as of today.

Although this wave of the virus has not caused too many severe illnesses and deaths, the global outbreak will soon become a world crisis.

President Biden took office almost one year ago. We are still facing the challenge of the pandemic including many other international and domestic issues.

Today no matter what we are facing, we still need to work hard and face the reality. Look after your community and your neighbors. Do whatever you can to help them.

I saw an article last week that reported on how the Myanmar military regime killed more than 30 villagers in the eastern part of the country. These poor people are hopeless and not just without vaccines. They lost their lives and we don’t see any response or assistance from the international community.

I spent my childhood in this Buddhist land that is rich with many natural resources. Every time when I dream of my early life, I feel so fortunate that our family left this poor land where the people are still suffering to this very day.

Categories: 大俠天下行