
【大俠行天下日記/ 美南新聞傳媒集團45週年慶 /美南新聞集團董事長李蔚華】



美南新聞走過了四十五個辛酸艱苦歲月, 與您一起成長和茁壯, 感恩大家之支持和訶護。

今天我們已經在全美十大城市建立了一艘永不沉淪的傳媒、 金融和文化之航母, 𠄘載着時代之重任和社會之使命。

多年來「美南新聞傳媒集團 」透過電視新聞、社群媒體、 中英雙語日報、 黃頁出版, 肩扛起大眾傳播之重責大任, 引領社會,報導人間疾苦, 寫下歷史之篇章。

年前宣告開業之「環球第一銀行」正以雷霆萬鈞之速度, 為社區經濟之發展注入活水, 金融服務體系將隨着美南新聞集團之全美發展脈絡繼續挺進。

成立已經二十二年之「美南國際貿易中心」為德州休斯敦和世界搭起交流之堅固橋樑, 超過一萬二千家中小企業曾經參與過各項國際工商文化活動 ,由美國商務部 、州長、 市長、 聯邦商業局、 進出口銀行共同支持, 由國際貿易中心 、美南集團及環球第一銀行主辦的休斯敦國際工商博覧會, 充分表徵華亞裔對工商經濟發展之貢獻。

美南新聞傳媒集團參與和主導的休斯敦國際區、美南養生園、 艾利芙獎學金、 赫里斯郡醫院基金會、 國際區大游行暨美食節、  休斯敦大學新傳媒教室及西非幾內亞駐休斯敦總領館等機構, 不斷推動慈善、 文化、 教育及外交工作。

今天我們帶着大家的祝福和企盼, 偕同我們一同奮鬥之伙伴們, 將繼續以乘風破浪之無懼精神, 繼續前行。

Celebrating The 45th Anniversary  Of Southern News Group

Southern News Group has journeyed through forty-five years of hardships and growth following alongside      our many loyal supporters. We are very grateful for the support and encouragement from everyone over the years.

Today, we have established an unsinkable media, financial and cultural flagship presence in the top ten cities across America as we carry the weight of our time while fulfiling our mission of dedication to society.

Over the years, Southern News Group has shouldered the responsibility of public communication through television news, social media, bilingual daily newspapers in Chinese and English, Yellow Pages publishing, leadership in the society, daily reporting on human conflicts and suffering across the world, while continuously chronicling and writing the chapters of the history of our time.

Global One Bank, established just a few short years ago, is now infusing vitality into the community’s economic development at lightning speed. The financial service system will continue to advance alongside and within the context of Southern News Group’s nationwide growth and development.

The International Trade Center, founded twenty-two years ago, is a solid bridge for exchange between Houston, Texas, and the world. More than twelve thousand small and medium-sized enterprises have participated in various international business and cultural activities at

the center, supported by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Governor of Texas, the Mayor of Houston, the SBA and the Export-Import Bank. The Houston International Expo which will be hosted by the ITC, Global One Bank and Southern News Group fully represents the many contributions of the Asian American community to the economic development of the greater Houston area.

Southern News Group is involved in and leading various initiatives such as the Houston International District, the Alief School District Scholarship Foundation, Senior Housing, the Harris County Hospital District Foundation, the University of Houston News Media Department, the International Parade and Food Festival and the Guinea Consulate General in Houston office and the ongoing promotion of charitable, cultural, educational, and diplomatic endeavors.

Today we are gratefully carrying everyone’s blessings and hopes.

Along with our partners who continue to strive with us, we will continue to move forward with the fearless spirit of riding the waves.